My last post was an invitation to come along to one of the many global bicycle gatherings that happened last Sunday on the eve of the COP15 climate change summit in Copenhagen. I helped to organise a ride here in Yerevan, and I took my trusty video camera with me.
I’ve been slaving over a hot laptop for the last three nights, but now I think it’s ready for public consumption. Please take 10 minutes to watch the clip below. I hope you enjoy it, and that it gives you a glimpse into my currently-static life here in Armenia and the importance of what’s happening in Denmark this week and next.
If you like it, please click ‘Like’ in the top right corner when you’ve finished watching it, as this helps me to get the video to a wider audience.
If you don’t like it, please tell me why in the comments below — your feedback will help me improve!
Something to add?