Category: Philosophy Of Travel
The Deeply Misunderstood Nature Of On-The-Road Hospitality
During a recent post-film Q&A, someone stood up and said: “You said you received a lot of hospitality wherever you went, and that people were always happy to give you food and shelter, even those with very little to give.” So far so good. “But didn’t you feel like you were just taking advantage of people the whole time?” […] Continue reading →
Lessons Learned while Cycling to the North Cape (and Back)
Today’s guest post is from Bram Reusen, a serial traveller who this summer set off to cycle to Nordkapp in Norway. His tale is a reminder that the best laid plans always go astray — and, when travel is involved, that’s often for the better. Usually, I tend to romanticize things. I like that about […] Continue reading →
We Were Not Born Talented, Brave & Fearless
There’s one important thing to understand about adversity: You can’t prevent it. It is a consequence of life on Earth over which you have no control. You might choose to stave off situations of adversity — bad weather, hunger, lack of shelter, indecision, getting lost, and in general being way out of your comfort zone […] Continue reading →
What the heck am I supposed to do now?
Bulgaria. Autumn. I roll to a halt beside Andy. “Mate,” he says. “We have a problem. A really big problem.” I look down. There’s a six-inch crack along the rim of his rear wheel and the inner tube is bulging horribly from the gaping maw. We are only 3 months into our round-the-world bike ride. What […] Continue reading →
The Surprising Truth About Cycling Across A Continent
Yesterday, Tim & Laura Moss went for a bike ride. They set off from Tim’s place near London and pedalled across the Surrey Hills for a few pleasant hours beneath glorious sunshine. In the evening, they stopped riding and pitched camp. This morning, they got up, had breakfast, and packed away their tent. (Or so I […] Continue reading →
Why It’s Friendliness, Not Defensiveness, That’ll Keep You Safe On The Road
If there’s one question that I can guarantee will come up in a post-film Q&A, it’s the one about safety. “Didn’t you ever feel threatened by people?”, someone will ask me of my 32-country bike trip. “What was the most dangerous situation you had to deal with?” Continue reading →
The funny thing about long distance bicycle travellers
There’s definitely something funny about them (us?). And I’m quite not sure what it is. The thing is that bicycle travel is actually a totally sensible thing to do. It allows you to travel with an incredible level of independence. And by that I mean independence from planes and public transport, agents and brokers and guides, […] Continue reading →
On the hidden benefits of being poor
So I recently expended my entire life savings on writing a book and making a film, which was exactly what I wanted to do and why my life savings existed. As a result, however, I find myself in the not unfamiliar situation of needing to stop arsing around and make some cash. This is not a […] Continue reading →
How To Cycle Round The World In 3 Easy Steps
So you want to cycle round the world? Great idea! Here’s how: 1. Get a bicycle. It doesn’t matter too much which one, as long as it’s comfortable, but you won’t get far without it. 2. Quit your job. You’ll need a few years for a lap of the planet, so write to your boss explaining […] Continue reading →
Lessons learned from a DIY film & book tour
So I’m back in Yerevan, my Iranian visa application is filed, and I’ve a week to kill: a good opportunity to look back before the madness of travel descends. It’s been an eventful few weeks with much food for thought. I’ve toured all over the UK and Ireland, attending 12 dates between the book launch in […] Continue reading →