If you’re planning a ride from Alaska to Panama, or anywhere in between, you could do a lot worse than to check out John Benson’s website, johnbensontravels.com.
John has just wrapped up a ten-month odyssey from Prudhoe Bay to the Panama Canal, passing through Canada, the western States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica on the way. I’ve just put the finishing touches to this redesign of his travel blog.

John has approached the documenting of his trip in a completely different way to how I’ve always approached it. While I was banging on endlessly about my personal experiences and thoughts, he’s created a selfless goldmine of information for anyone else planning such a trip. Terrain, costs, distances, accommodation — it’s all there, wrapped around a detailed account of the journey itself and thousands of pictures. His story has got me dreaming again…
Check the site out at johnbensontravels.com.
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