One of the reasons that my blog has been quiet in recent weeks is because of a mammoth push forward with my big writing project. The book of Janapar is now in its penultimate draft form, and I’m putting together a team to take the publishing process to completion.
I’m really excited to announce that I’m opening this up to your involvement through a brand new Kickstarter UK campaign, which launches today!
But rather than pen yet more words (trust me, I’ve written enough recently), I’ve recorded you a video appeal:
(Click here if you’re having trouble seeing this video.)
If you’ve been following the story of Janapar, you can be the first to get hold of the finished book by backing the campaign. It will be running for three weeks, after which the opportunity for early access will close until the official book launch in January.
There are several ‘reward’ levels, starting at £5 for an electronic edition of the book, right up to £1,500 — for which I’ve foolishly promised to cycle and camp to your door, bringing the story to your home, in the middle of winter — even if you live at the wrong end of the country. (It remains to be seen whether anybody will take me up on that one!)
But a more typical pledge would be £25, for which you’ll first receive a DVD of ‘Janapar’ before Christmas, followed in January by a physical copy of the book itself — hot off the press.
This is an experiment in the new and democratic form of artistic patronage known as ‘crowdfunding’, and it’s as much about me making a commitment to completing a project as it is a funding campaign.
Pledge now on the project’s Kickstarter page! And, while you’re there, do share the project via the social media links. Success depends on spreading the word, and your help will be invaluable in this respect.
Thank you!
I’ll be back soon with campaign updates, as well as resuming my cycle-touring-related programming. I’ve also got a new and exciting trip coming up. But the rest of this year is really all about launching the Janapar project. More details soon…
Something to add?