Whenever I head out on an adventure, I constantly find myself wondering why it took so much thinking and dithering before actually doing it. This still happens after years of experience. “It’s so easy just to do this! Why didn’t I do it ages ago?”
The same thing happened with the photobook that I’m launching this week. I could have created this at any point in the last couple of years. Instead, I dithered. But now I’ve got off my backside and created the definitive photo travelogue of Janapar, I’m wondering why it took so long to do it!
About the book, then: it is an unashamed slice of vicarious adventure; 66 carefully-chosen full colour images (and 2 black & white ones) that represent my best shot at communicating a 3½ year journey in pictures.
It’ll be particularly enlightening to those of you who’ve read the book of Janapar, as it includes edited excerpts to give context to the story, but will be equally enjoyable to browse through if you haven’t.
Click here for an interactive preview and more details on the formats available. You can also download a PDF sample for a real taste of what’s inside.
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