Tag: Ride Earth
It’s all gone a bit mental. One month ago I was negotiating a sponsorship deal. Today I have a bin-liner full of camping gear next to me, a fully-built-up bike and trailer in the garage with shiny new Magura brakes and forks freshly fitted to it, a sack of cycling clothes from ProBikeKit.com, and have […] Continue reading →
Did Something Stupid
This weekend, I voluntarily pitched myself from a small metal cage, mounted at the head, so to speak, of a massive erection. It was a singular act of spontaneity. I had not woken up that particular morning with an unexpected yearning to experience the delightful sensation of a gravity-assisted plummet. Nor had I pulled up […] Continue reading →
Ride Earth
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been putting together a website for the Ride Earth project, in which I aim to mountain bike round the world. More information at ride-earth.org.uk. Continue reading →