Category: Farsi In A Year 2013
Farsi Friday Week 26: Halfway to Persian fluency? (نیمه راه به تسلط به فارسی؟)
The video above was filmed on the 1st of July this year; six months to the day after I made a New Year’s Resolution to become fluent in Farsi in a year. این فیلم اول ژوئیه ساخته شد، دقیقاً شش ماه بعد از اینکه قول دادم در مدت یک سال فارسی یاد بگیرم. If you’ve read the original […] Continue reading →
Why My Blog’s Been Quiet Recently (Photographic Evidence Provided)
As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader, my goal for 2013 is to become fluent in Farsi (Persian) by the end of the year. A big part of this attempt, I previously wrote, would be done by totally immersing myself in the language on trips to Iran, a country to which this footloose Brit […] Continue reading →
Farsi Friday Week 9: Overcoming childhood fears
I leave for Iran next week. This is frightening. I am afraid. Last summer I spent an enjoyable afternoon wandering around London’s South Bank, stopping random passers-by and asking politely if they wouldn’t mind sharing their impression of Iran with my video camera. I was shooting some vox pops for a film about my journey […] Continue reading →
Farsi Friday Week 6: Trashy TV Shows & Other Learning Aids
You might have noticed that Week 4 and 5 of my series on learning Persian did not appear. You might also have noticed that this corresponded with my first big book launch. Unsurprisingly, there is a connection here! Continue reading →
Farsi Friday Week 3: Free language resources that work, and the theory of learning
I know, I know, it’s a Sunday. On Friday I was at the London Bike Show, where I did my first ever public talk about my travels (a first tiny step towards curing my phobia of public speaking). And because the UK’s train drivers treat a flurry of snow as a reason to stay in […] Continue reading →
Farsi Friday Week 2: Some Language Learning Techniques They Don’t Teach At School
Since last week I’ve been having a daily dialogue session with Tenny, and at the same time figuring out a learning system to suit me. I know from previous attempts to learn languages that my biggest stumbling block when I arrive in Iran will be vocabulary, so I’ve decided to make that the focus of […] Continue reading →
Farsi Friday Week 1: Why Persian? And Where To Begin?
There are a few reasons I’ve chosen Persian (also known as Farsi / فارسی) as my focus for 2013, and as the first foreign language that I have ever committed to learning ‘properly’. Continue reading →
My 2013 New Year’s Resolution, or قصد سال جدید من
I, Thomas Richard Allen, hereby pledge to become fluent in Persian by the end of 2013 by means of total immersion in the language. Continue reading →